Members Only
Member’s Only Section
(This page is currently being updated, please check back later if the information you are looking for is not available).
Please note: This member’s only area is strictly reserved for those who have purchased the Jes Extender Gold package. Due to the new information that will continually be added, this is now an online only guide. Hard copies of any particular guide can be mailed upon request for a fee, or printed at your own cost. Do not copy, plagiarise, share the password to these guides or anything similar. All information in this section is strictly copyrighted. We do not allow any of this information to be shared freely, as stated above this is strictly for our loyal customers only. We may change passwords from time to time, if you can no longer access this members area but should please contact us.
Although you have purchased the best penis enhancement device money can buy, there are certain things you can do to use it optimally. Further, there are many factors that can help increase results and shorten the amount of time needed to get them. These guides have been developed over many years so that you may achieve maximum benefits from using your Jes Extender Gold package. There are various sections to work through, but it’s well worth your time to do so. Please remember, with this method of penis enhancement, it has to be a gradual process, only then will the results be safe and permanent. Please be patient with your progress and know that with time, the results will naturally follow. The human body is nothing less than a miracle in the way it adapts, heals and grows – if given the right conditions to do so. Everything contained in the guides below will help you pinpoint where you may be able to improve your routine and lifestyle to achieve better results in less time. These guides are not available anywhere else and strictly reserved for loyal customers such as yourself, please help us keep it that way by keeping this information for your own personal use. Knowledge is power! Enjoy.
Section 1
General usage instructions and advice for beginners (first 2 weeks or first 28hrs of logged use).
Section 2
Usage advice for intermediate and advanced users (after 28 hours of logged use – increasing tension)
Section 3
Jes Extender advanced supplemental guide. Includes information on tendons, ligaments, the warm up routine, jelq exercises to supplement blood circulation and the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle.
Section 4
Advice for users with Peyronie’s disease, penis curvature, erectile dysfunction, penile shrinkage and premature ejaculation.
Section 5
Lifestyle, vitamins, minerals and supplements Guide. Over 4000 words of very valuable information for beginner, intermediate or advanced Jes Extender users alike. Includes very important information on dietary and lifestyle factors that can contribute to faster results. Covers naturally occurring human growth hormone (HGH) and the role it can play when using Jes Extender. Also includes a section on the most optimal daily water intake and the most beneficial proteins, vitamins and minerals to help ensure you achieve your goal in the shortest amount of time.
Note: We advise to read through this section right away so you can start applying the tips and techniques it contains.
While we make every effort to be as accurate and safe as possible with providing you the above information, it is a guide and is to be used for educational purposes only. It is not intended to treat or diagnose any medical condition and you are using the information provided at your own risk. accepts no liability for personal injury or adverse reactions as a result of anything in this guide or any other information we have provided. If you disagree with any of this disclaimer, please do not use this page or any of the guides contained in it.